Abamwe Premium Vanilla

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Discover Abamwe Vanilla


Vanilla was introduced to Uganda during the colonial period by British cultivators in the 1940s, according to Ugandan history. Since then, Uganda has seen growing Vanilla export volumes in response to global demand – thanks to its unique qualities. Read more about the history of Vanilla in Uganda here.

Abamwe Vanilla honors decades of vanilla farming by Ugandan local communities by ensuring that the process of cultivating, harvesting, packaging and shipping of our Vanilla creates value while giving directly to the families that make this great tasting experience possible.

Fun Fact

Ugandan vanilla beans are perfect for: Rich Desserts, Beers, Chocolates, Vanilla Extract.

Vanilla Grades

Every bundle of Abamwe Ugandan vanilla beans contains equal length beans that are classified as Grade A, B or C (Extract Grade). Regardless of what grade of Vanilla that you get, Abamwe is a name that is synonymous with certified quality. We certify the quality and grading process of our vanilla every year with Chemiphar – an accredited certification agency. We also have a strict quality assurance process.

Read more about Abamwe’s Grading and Quality Assurance process here.

Grade A:

  • Length: 15cm and order
  • Moisture content: 28-35%

Also known as Gourmet Grade or Prime, have a higher moisture content and are typically used for cooking. They are plump, pliable, succulent, and flavorful. They have a shiny, oily exterior, and are free of any blemishes or defects. They are very dark in color, flexible, and moist.

Grade B:

  • Length: 10-15 cm
  • Have a moisture level of around 20%

Grade B vanilla beans have a rich reddish-black color with little cracks or cuts along the bean. They have a strong scent but are notably drier than the other grades.

Extract Grade:

Extract Grade Vanilla is composed of beans under 10 cm.

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